Rachakonda She Teams Crack Down on Harassment: Over 120 Offenders Apprehended

Rachakonda She Teams Crack Down on Harassment: Over 120 Offenders Apprehended


In Hyderabad, the Rachakonda She Teams have intensified efforts against harassment, apprehending 120 individuals, including 76 adults and 44 minors, within the span of 15 days. Commissioner Tarun Joshi affirmed the teams’ commitment to curbing harassment and urged women to report incidents without fear, ensuring anonymity for victims. The She Teams, operating in plainclothes with surveillance, target hotspots like transit hubs and educational institutions, conducting decoy operations around the clock. Counseling sessions are provided for minors involved in harassment. The Women Safety Wing handled 142 complaints, addressing various forms of harassment, including phone calls, social media, and direct interactions. Additionally, decoy operations led to the arrest of individuals harassing women on public transport and roads. The She Teams advised parents to monitor their children’s activities during summer vacations, emphasizing proactive safety measures.

Rachakonda She Teams Crack Down on Harassment: Over 120 Offenders Apprehended

In a concerted effort to combat harassment and stalking of women in Hyderabad, the Rachakonda She Teams have apprehended over 120 individuals in the past 15 days. The initiative underscores the commitment of law enforcement to ensure the safety and security of women in public spaces.

Vigilance and Surveillance

Commissioner Tarun Joshi emphasized the proactive measures undertaken by the She Teams, employing surveillance and decoy operations in key locations such as bus stands, railway stations, metro stations, schools, colleges, and markets. This vigilance, conducted round-the-clock, aims to deter potential offenders and swiftly address incidents of harassment.

Empowering Victims

Joshi reassured victims of harassment that their identities would be protected, encouraging them to report incidents without fear of stigma or reprisal. Prompt and decisive action is promised against perpetrators, signaling a zero-tolerance approach to harassment.

Juvenile Offenders and Counseling

Notably, among those apprehended, 44 were minors. The Women Safety Wing of Rachakonda Police is actively engaged in counseling sessions for juvenile offenders, involving their parents to address underlying issues and prevent reoccurrence of such behavior.

Types of Complaints and Response

DCP T. Usha Vishwanath provided insights into the nature of complaints received, including harassment via phone calls, social media platforms, and direct encounters. A comprehensive investigation and counseling process follow, tailored to the specific circumstances of each case.

Decoy Operations and Metro Incidents

The She Teams conducted decoy operations in various settings, including metro trains, resulting in the apprehension of offenders violating compartment regulations. Additionally, patrols in Rachakonda areas led to the arrest of individuals engaged in street harassment, underlining the multifaceted approach adopted by law enforcement.

Community Engagement and Parental Responsibility

As summer vacations commence, the She Team urged parents to prioritize the safety of their children, advocating for increased supervision and communication regarding online activities. This collaborative effort seeks to create a safer environment for all members of the community.

The concerted efforts of the Rachakonda She Teams reflect a proactive approach to address the pervasive issue of harassment and stalking. By combining surveillance, enforcement, counseling, and community engagement, law enforcement endeavors to create a safer environment conducive to the well-being and empowerment of women.

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