Top 10 Smart City Startups in India

Top 10 Smart City Startups in India

India’s vision for smart cities is driving innovation and technological advancements across the country. Startups are playing a crucial role in this transformation by developing solutions for urban challenges such as traffic management, energy efficiency, waste management, and public safety. Here, we highlight ten standout smart city startups that are making significant contributions to the development of smart cities in India.

1. Smart City Solutions

Smart City Solutions, founded in 2014 and headquartered in Bengaluru, provides integrated technology solutions for urban development. Their platforms focus on smart lighting, smart traffic management, and IoT-based public utilities.

ServicesSmart lighting, traffic management, IoT utilities
Key InnovationIntegrated urban management systems

2. Gaia Smart Cities

Gaia Smart Cities, established in 2015 and based in Mumbai, offers IoT-enabled solutions for urban infrastructure. Their focus areas include smart water management, air quality monitoring, and energy management systems.

ServicesIoT solutions, water management, air quality monitoring
Key InnovationSmart infrastructure

3. Smarter Dharma

Smarter Dharma, founded in 2016 and headquartered in Bengaluru, focuses on sustainable urban development. They provide solutions for waste management, sustainable building designs, and energy-efficient systems.

ServicesWaste management, sustainable design, energy efficiency
Key InnovationSustainable urban solutions

4. Faclon Labs

Faclon Labs, established in 2016 and based in Mumbai, specializes in IoT-based smart city solutions. Their offerings include smart water metering, energy monitoring, and environmental sensing systems.

ServicesSmart water metering, energy monitoring, environmental sensing
Key InnovationIoT-based solutions

5. UrbanClap

UrbanClap, founded in 2014 and headquartered in Gurugram, offers a range of home services that contribute to smart living. Their platform connects users with professionals for services such as cleaning, repairs, and maintenance, enhancing urban convenience.

ServicesHome services, repairs, maintenance
Key InnovationOn-demand service platform

6. Enlite Research

Enlite Research, established in 2017 and based in Bengaluru, develops advanced lighting solutions for smart cities. Their smart street lighting systems are energy-efficient and can be controlled remotely via IoT.

ServicesSmart lighting solutions
Key InnovationIoT-controlled street lighting

7. WEGoT Utility Solution

WEGoT Utility Solutions, founded in 2015 and headquartered in Chennai, provides smart water management systems. Their IoT-enabled meters and sensors help monitor and manage water usage, reducing wastage and promoting sustainability.

ServicesSmart water management
Key InnovationIoT-enabled water meters

8. Zenatix

Zenatix, established in 2013 and based in Gurugram, offers energy management solutions for buildings and urban infrastructure. Their IoT-based systems help optimize energy consumption and improve operational efficiency.

ServicesEnergy management
Key InnovationIoT-based energy optimization

9. Zenatix

Get My Parking, founded in 2015 and headquartered in New Delhi, provides smart parking solutions. Their platform integrates parking data and automates parking operations, enhancing urban mobility and reducing congestion.

HeadquartersNew Delhi
ServicesSmart parking solutions
Key InnovationParking data integration

10. Staqu Technologies

Staqu Technologies, established in 2015 and based in Gurugram, develops AI-based solutions for public safety and security in smart cities. Their offerings include facial recognition, video analytics, and crime prediction tools.

ServicesPublic safety, security solutions
Key InnovationAI-based video analytics

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Smart City Startups in India

Q: What is a smart city startup?
A: A smart city startup develops and provides technology solutions aimed at enhancing urban living through improved infrastructure, efficient resource management, and better public services.

Q: How do smart city startups benefit urban areas?
A: Smart city startups benefit urban areas by offering solutions for traffic management, energy efficiency, waste management, water conservation, public safety, and other critical urban challenges.

Q: Are smart city solutions regulated in India?
A: Yes, smart city solutions in India are often developed in collaboration with government initiatives and are subject to regulations and standards set by urban development authorities.

Q: What are the key challenges faced by smart city startups in India?
A: Key challenges include securing funding, integrating with existing infrastructure, navigating regulatory requirements, and raising awareness about the benefits of smart city technologies.

Q: How can individuals support smart city startups?
A: Individuals can support smart city startups by adopting their solutions, advocating for smart city initiatives, participating in pilot projects, and investing in their growth.


India’s smart city startups are at the forefront of transforming urban living through innovative technologies. By addressing critical urban challenges, these companies are contributing to the development of smarter, more efficient, and sustainable cities. As these startups continue to grow and innovate, they are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of urban India.

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